Defensive Driving


SAGE provides truck fleet defensive driver training programs to keep your drivers safely on the road earning revenue. Motor vehicle collisions are the leading cause of death and injury in the workplace, and the cost of a single incident can quickly exceed $1 million to $2 million. An effective defensive driver safety program can reduce risk and keep people safer on the road. Your drivers need to stay safe and productive. This means being conscious of the fundamentals of defensive driving principles so they avoid collisions, injuries and violations.

SAGE solutions can be critical to:

  • Control liability costs resulting from workplace vehicle accidents
  • Lower rates of motor vehicle incidents
  • Increase driver productivity and safety
  • Reduce vehicle insurance premiums
  • Help control fleet vehicle repair costs
  • Decrease workers’ compensation claims and rates
  • Improve public relations with driver skill and courtesy

Nobody has trained more truck drivers with hands-on, one-on-one road training than SAGE. It’s what we’ve done successfully since 1989. Our programs are designed to reduce company risks and liability by reinforcing basic techniques and skills every driver should know and periodically review. Making your operations safe means making them more effective and more profitable. Defensive driver training is a forward-thinking investment that can provide real value.

SAGE can tailor a truck fleet defensive driving program to meet specific company needs. Programs are usually 4-to-8 hour active presentations for driver groups, led by experienced truck driver trainers who relate to your drivers with real-world experience. And where the “rubber meets the road,” SAGE programs can also include one-on-one defensive driver training in company vehicles used by drivers every day, yielding a significant ROI and future savings.

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